Welcome to 1D
Our teacher is Mrs Deeming and our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Smith.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01827 713284. We are also available for quick queries when you drop off your child or collect them at the end of the day.
Alternatively you can e-mail - alison.deeming@racemeadow.org.
On this page you will find information on our current learning as well as useful links and tips for home learning. Don't forget to check the subject pages on the website for more of an overview of our curriculum and what we will be teaching when.
This term we are going to travel back in time as we become historians once again. The year is 1666 and Thomas Farriner is about to head home after a long days work at Pudding Lane bakery. Little does he know that a hugely significant event is going to happen that will make history. Children will learn about a significant event in history through the exploration of primary and secondary sources. We will look at extracts from Samuel Pepys diary as well as learn what historians have found out about the Great fire of London. We will learn how an event like this can change the future for example the change to how and where houses were built leading on from the fire. We will compare the fire service back then to nowadays. Children will visit the local fire station to learn about the uniform and equipment they use today and will learn how this has changed over time.
In English children will be learning how to write a recount of events using past tense and also learning to recognise the features of a diary. Children will use their imagination to immerse themselves in history and write their own diary as if they were witnessing the Great fire of London. We will also revisit poetry and will read and perform poems about fire learning about descriptive language and different features of a poem.
In science we will be learning about some properties of materials and experimenting with the function of materials and what makes them suitable for some purposes and not suitable for others. For example if we wanted a water bucket to put out the great fire of London would we want a bucket made out of sponge or a bucket made out of plastic? Later in the term we will be using our knowledge of materials to design and make our own model fire engine in our design and technology lessons.
Maths - Length, Height, Mass, Volume and Capacity
This term in maths we will be learning to identify when we measure length and when we measure height. As well as beginning to measure more accurately in centimeters. We will then learn how to measure mass using cubes as our unit of measure. We will learn how to compare the mass of objects using the terms lighter and heavier. Finally we will learn how to measure capacity using non standard units of measure like water and sand. We will use terms such as full, half full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty to compare volume.
Spring 1
Mini Mission - Oh, the places you will go!
Our next Mini Mission this year is called "Oh, the places you will go!" This term children will be able to consolidate some of their learning from the Autumn term. We will be reviewing capital letters making sure we are using them consistently at the beginning of names and at the start of sentences. Furthermore we will be refining our use of punctuation when writing sentences. Our focus text is "Emma Jane's Aeroplane" as well as a range of texts that explore travelling and in particular India or the UK. We will be learning what a non-chronological report is and how to write one.
During this term children will again become Geographers. They will be exploring the home nations, learning the names of the different countries that make up the UK as well as their capital cities. They will also review the names of the 7 continents and 5 oceans they learnt in the Autumn term. We will be making comparisons between UK and India in terms of environment, culture, population and architecture.
In science we will be learning about different types of plants including which plants are best suited to different types of environment and climate. Later in the term children will further develop their skills as an artist. This term we will be focusing on colour mixing. We will learn what a primary colour is and how we can make secondary colours. We will also explore textiles in particular tie-dying.
Our second Mini Mission this year is called The Queen's Hat based on the picture book by Steve Anthony. This term in English we will begin to refine our grammar by learning how to use the suffixes -ed and -ing correctly to recall and describe the events in the book. Later in the term we will use all of our knowledge and skills to join sentences together to write our own short narrative.
For this Mission children will first become Historians. They will be learning about the lives of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II. The children will learn how to compare two significant historical figures using stories, artefacts and other sources to inform them. They will begin to ask questions and talk about the past and understand how to order events on a timeline. later in the term we will again be Scientists this time learning about significant Inventors including the Invention of Television. Including how significant Queen Elizabeth II was in the development of broadcasting when she was coronated. To complete the mission children will become Food Technicians (of course no Queen related topic would be complete without an afternoon tea).
The Queen's Hat - A story that takes you on an amazing adventure through London
Our first Mini Mission this year is called Lost and Found based on the picture book by Oliver Jeffers. As we become more familiar with this text we will practice re-telling a narrative. Children will learn how to write a postcard using ideas from the setting and characters in the book. We will compare this story to other key texts and use them as reference materials to create our own icy themed poetry.
During this term children will become Geographers. They will be exploring the Antarctic and will be comparing hot countries and continents to cold countries and continents. They will also be learning the names of the oceans and continents. In Science they will be learning about seasons and changes in weather. Later in the term children will channel their inner Artist as they develop their skills in pencil drawing and collaging.
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers teaches the importance of friendship and kindness in a beautiful way.
Maths - Place Value (within 10)
This term in maths children will learn how to count from any given number forwards and backwards. Through sorting activities, they will continue to devleop their ability to count objects with accuracy and efficiency, subitizing where appropriate. Children will be given the opportunity to master their understanding of place value within 10 by comparing amounts using the words greater than and fewer than.