Welcome to 4B's class page.
Autumn 1
This half term our topic is called "The Blue Abyss".

Yr4 Entry Point - Trip to the Sea Life Centre
As part of our innovate project, we designed and made a bioluminescent squid or jellyfish. With help from our parents, we used recycled materials, tissue paper and paint to make a glow in the dark organism.
Autumn 2
This half term our topic is called "Potions".

During our “witches and wizards” topic day, we explored the different reactions created when combining a range of ingredients. We recorded our observations, explaining what we saw and then discussed the chemical reactions (if any) that took place. We also used our measuring skills to explore the capacity of various potion bottles. At first we predicted the capacity of each container, deciding which container would hold the most potion. Then, using measuring cylinders and water we measured how much liquid each container could hold.
Making potion bottles out of clay
Spring 1
This half term our topic is Misty Mountains

Parent Partnership Lesson Making mountains
2017 - 2018
Potions Entry Point - exploring chemical reactions!
Blue Abyss Exit Point - Trip to the Sea Life Centre
Blue Abyss Innovate Project
2016 - 2017
Summer - I am Warrior!
As part of our entry point, we were set the challenge to make a celtic roundhouse using the limited resources provided. Using great teamwork and a range of problem solving strategies we created a 3D model.
Spring 2 - Playlists

This half term our topic is called Playlists. Throughout this topic we will be exploring a range of genres of music; comparing and contrasting the different sounds and instrument used in order to discuss our own preferences when it comes to music.
Year 4 performing a Flashmob in the Co-operative store in Atherstone.
As part of Reach2’s“11 before 11” philosophy- (before reaching 11 years old our children will have had 11 fun and memorable experiences) both classes performed a dance to the song “Food Glorious Food” as part of their topic “Playlists”. Choreographed by Nikki Deeming, the children worked very hard during the spring half term to learn both the song and the dance moves by heart. Although nervous when they realised they would be performing the dance in such a public place, they did themselves and our school proud.
The local Folk group came to visit to share their knowledge of music and teach us some songs.
The Layout of an Orchestra
During the first week of our topic we explore the role of the orchestra within musical theatre. We researched the different music families and compared the range of sounds each instrument made.
To celebrate the end of our Misty Mountains topic, year 4 requested a trip to the Snowdome.
Spring 1
This half term our topic is Misty Mountains

Upon our return to school after the Christmas break, we found a mysterious campsite on our playground. Who had abandoned the tent and what did its contents tell us about the occupant? Year 4 explored these questions and slowly an image of the person responsible was revealed. But wait, what about that footprint...?
As part of our innovate project, parents were invited in to help us make 3D models of a mountain. We began first of all with a topographical map which we then used as the basis for our 3D mountains. Using a variety of materials, we recreated the different layers of a mountain.
Misty Mountain Parent Partnership afternoon
Autumn 2
This half term our topic is called "Potions".

During our “witches and wizards” topic day, we explored the different reactions created when combining a range of ingredients. We recorded our observations, explaining what we saw and then discussed the chemical reactions (if any) that took place. We also used our measuring skills to explore the capacity of various potion bottles. At first we predicted the capacity of each container, deciding which container would hold the most potion. Then, using measuring cylinders and water we measured how much liquid each container could hold.
Autumn 1
This half term our topic is called "The Blue Abyss".