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Welcome to the 2W Class Page



The Team

Teacher: Miss M Ward 


Learning Support Assistant: Miss L Jones 


A very warm hello from both myself and Miss Jones! We are very excited to welcome you all back in September and hope you are enjoying your school holidays! 


Key Weekly Information


Monday - Reading diary check 


Wednesday- Homework hand in day (if you're super organised you can bring it in on Monday or Tuesday and pop it into the homework box :D 


Thursday - P.E Day no earrings please 


Friday - Stars Awarded, new homework given out and spelling test day! 


Autumn 1 -Mini Mission 1


The Rainbow Fish 

This is our focus text for the first mini mission, its a wonderful story!



During this Term you will use this text to explore your english skills in story writing and you will also engage in a range of artistic skills to deepen your understanding of colour mixing, texture and collage. You will also be able to use role play in order to retell a story and express your thoughts and ideas about what makes a good friend. 

