October 2022
Molly has now been part of the Racemeadow family for 4 years.
She continues to love being in school with childen and staff.
She recently joined the children as they did their 11B411 colour run.
October 2020
Molly has now been part of the Racemeadow family for two years.
The children and staff still adore and she continues to love being in school.
Last week she went to meet the new reception children. They were very gentle when they stroked her and she enjoyed eating one of the carrots from their snack bar. She even showed them how she does 'sit', 'give paw', 'high five' and leave.
June 2019
Molly will be a year old next month and has changed so much since she joined Racemeadow back in October.
She continues to love being in school and has recently enjoyed supporting Year 6 during their SATs and joinng them for their sleepover in the school hall.
February 2019
Just as we'd hoped, Molly has settled into school life really well. She loves spending time in my office, meeting children when they come to show me their excellent work and visiting classrooms. There were a few children who were anxious around dogs when Molly first arrived and she has helped them to overcome their fears. Molly is also very good at cheering people up when they are feeling a bit sad or cross.
October 2018
Meet Molly, our school dog.
She is a Cavachon (her mum is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and her dad is a Bichon Frisse).
She was born on the 12th July 2018 and lives with Mrs Collinson and her family. She has really enjoyed her first few visits to school and she loves to see the staff and children as much as they love to see her. She starts her puppy training classes on Monday 22nd October.