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Welcome to Year 6!

6R - Mrs Rous

6W - Mrs Ward 

Year 6 LSA - Mrs Hewitt


You can contact us on 01287 713284 or email us on:


We are so looking forward to teaching you this year. There are lots of exciting mini-missions planned for you all.


Key information

  • Diaries and reading books should be in school every day.
  • Water bottles will be sent home everyday to be washed and refilled. 
  • Children can bring in their own pencil cases which should be left in school.
  • Please provide a healthy snack (fruit, cereal bar, cheese etc)  or change for the tuck shop. 


Tuesday is PE day and children should have a full PE kit (white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers or pumps)


Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be handed in by the following Wednesday. Homework consists of Arithmetic, Times Tables and a Spelling booklet. Homework should be completed in pencil or a black or blue pen. In addition to this, children are expected to have read at home 3 times each week and have this signed by an adult in their diary.


Weekly spellings are stuck in the spellings section at the front of your child's diary, new spellings are given out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday.


Autumn 1


A Wizards' World


Synopsis: Children will write character and setting descriptions with a magical theme using Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as their stimulus. They will focus on developing their understanding of figurative language to create an engaging, ‘magical’ narrative that interweaves character, setting and plot. 


In Science, children extend their understanding of light.

In Geography, children develop their fieldwork/geographical skills.

In Art, children create a collage focusing on visual and tactile qualities.

In art, we looked at the works of various collage artists so we could understand how different techniques are used, then we took inspiration to design and make our own collage of Fawkes the Phoenix.

Autumn 2


Secrets of the Sarcophagus


SynopsisChildren carry out an in-depth study of Ancient Egyptian mummification and the burial ritual. They focus on Howard Carter, the archaeologist, and the discovery of Tutankhamun. They use this understanding to write an explanation text and a first-person account of the discovery. The children will also write a winter poem using figurative language.


In History, children sift and weigh evidence to support/refute historical claims.

In D&T, children create an educational product (sarcophagus) focusing on functionality and aesthetics.



Spring 1




SynopsisChildren will use the novel “Wonderstruck” by Brian Selznick to learn about the geography of America and to write for a range of purposes. They will also use the book as inspiration to emulate the work of an illustrator and to learn about Evolution and Inheritance.


In Science, children learn about Evolution and Inheritance

In Geography, children examine where Wonderstruck is set between the Great Lakes in North America and New York City and will focus on physical and human features of North America. They will compare these with the UK.

In Art, children develop their own personal style by emulating the work of Brian Selznick to recreate images from the book. 
