Great Britons - Banksy
Whilst you are not in school have a look online at some of the art the Banksy has produced around the country. What do you think of his work, why do you think he does it randomly and anonymously? What message is he giving in the images? Do you like them? Choose your favourite image and write about it, tell me why you like it, what is it saying to you, do you think he is a good artist and why and anything else you would like to tell me about the image.
Friday 22.5.20
Just a quick reminder -
Next week is Whit Week so there will not be any home learning activities for that week.
Monday June 1st is an inset day for teachers to prepare school.
Finally, for those children going to TQEA in September, a transition booklet should be coming through the post in the next few days with important and exciting information about High School. Please look out for it.
w/c Monday 11th May 2020
Hello Year 6! I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe.
You might not believe this, but this week would have been Sat's week!!! Mrs Ward and I both know you would all have given it your best and achieved some fabulous results. I hope that instead you are treasuring some precious time with your families
Below is your work for this week. I have included the answers for the Maths for last week AND this week at the request of some parents and the same with the SPAG quizzes. The reading answers are already included with the questions and text extracts.
Please remember you can email me any time on
Good morning Year 6!
It was lovely to talk to so many of you last week and to see so many lovely photos. You certainly have been busy.
The work this week is slightly different - the reading activities are longer so you can do each one over 2 days. Friday is a bank holiday remember, so we have only set 4 days work this week
Don't forget you can also visit BBC Bitesize for lots of interesting and useful ideas for learning at home.
The sun will be shining again this week so get outside for your daily exercise when you can and keep those photos coming!
See you all soon
Week commencing 27th April 2020
Hi it was lovely to talk to some of you last week and to hear how you are working at home, well done.
If you are getting a bit fed up with the daily work try looking at BBC Bitesize on iplayer (or online)as they have work for Year 6 specifically including some super 'stuff' on computer coding, with games and activities which might be a bit different.
Art - Draw a picture of your favourite place or person, maybe it is your bedroom, a holiday you have been on or the local park.
History - Find out as much as you can about VE day. What was it, when did it happen and why was it so important?
Don't forget you can send any of your work to me via email at and we can post it on the website if you give us permission.
Have a good week and speak to you again soon. x
Welcome back. We hope you didn't eat too many Easter eggs but if you did we hope you enjoyed them.
Attached is the work for this week - 20/4/20:
Writing - If you would like to write a short story of your choice in no more than 500 words. Ensure you include as many of the language and grammar features you have learnt so far. It can be scary or adventure, what ever you like.
Art - Great Britain, Great Britons - this is our next mini mission and we would like you to find a British artist that you like and reproduce your favourite one of their pieces of art. You can also write a biography of your chosen artist.
Hopefully it won't be too long before we are back at school together. In the meantime, keep working and keep safe.
Well, this is the last day of your 10 for 10 activities. You still have your homework packs and spelling/grammar revision which you can do when you want.
Good news, the next two weeks are the Easter holidays - so relax and enjoy family time - but most importantly stay safe and stay at home. Please feel free to email over the break and take the time to send me pictures of the work you have done or any crafts that you have completed, you can even send me pictures of your Easter eggs! Yum!
I will be back in touch with you on Monday 20th April. If you need anything in the meantime, please email or contact school. Have a lovely Easter everyone and remember to stay at home! 😂😊
Welcome to week two of your 10 for 10 work packs
You should have completed 5 days and be starting number 6 today.
If you would like to check your answers and correct any misconceptions the answers are below.
Don't cheat and look ahead until you have done the work!!
PS look out for more work on the website coming soon!
To start our first term in Year 6 our children have been studying two significant authors - William Shakespeare and Mary Shelley
The books we have chosen are Macbeth and Frankenstein. The children have really enjoyed reading Macbeth and comparing it with the Tempest that they studied in Year 5. We are also investigating the theme of Frankenstein and linking it to our science - Living things including human beings.