Welcome to Year 3 home learning page.
Here you will find the work for your child to complete in the event that they can not attend school for any reason.
If you have any queries please contact your class teacher/s via the emails below:
3B- Mrs Ballinger - julie.ballinger@racemeadow.org
3R - Mrs Rous - alex.rous@racemeadow.org
On this page you will find lots of information that will help you with your home learning.
Below is the link to the letter that you will be receiving in you mini mission books for your home learning. Please look at it carefully.
How does it work?
You will find a message from your child's year 3 teacher(s) every day from Monday 11th January on this page, to make sure that you know what to do. There will be Maths learning which has an accompanying video which will help your child to understand what to do. In addition there will be a reading activity based on our text for this half term: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. English will be either a grammar based task or a short writing activity. The remainder of the home learning that is set will be linked to our mini mission learning or learning in other areas of the curriculum. You will find all of this in the 2Do's section of purple mash when your child logs in. (If you are using a paper pack it will contain all of the learning for the week). Tasks and activities have been set to meet your child's learning needs as we would usually do in school.
Your child can complete this work in a number of ways:
If you have any concerns or problems with accessing home learning please email the class teacher direct or call and we will do our very best to help you.
Children in Year 3 are expected to complete a minimum of 4 hours of learning at home. We suggest children who are learning at home follow a similar timetable to the one below in order to structure their day. However, as long as the required daily amount of learning in complete this is flexible and can be adjusted as needed.
Home Learning - Friday 5th March 2021
Final day - Yay!!!! We can't wait to see you back on Monday!! 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Purple Mash
Please find the link to purple mash. Task and activities linked to our current learning will be set via this platform. You can find your child's log in details in the back of their school diary. If you have any problems please email your child's class teacher.
Use the links below to practise quick recall of number facts and timestables. Year 3 children should consolidate rapid recall of 2, 5 and 10 times tables and begin to learn 3, 4 and 8s. The aim is to be able to recall these facts and the associated division facts within 6 seconds. Use the maths frame times table check to assess your child's progress. This can be set up to focus on particuar times tables.
Below you will find the compulsory word bank for year 3 and 4. Additionally there are handwriting packs to practise both spelling and correct letter formation. Also shown below are the weekly spellings that your child would be learning this half term.
Reading is really important for children's phonic knowledge, confidence and understanding, plus it's great fun. Your child should be undertaking some reading every day and talking about what they have read. Please continue to record reading at home in your child's diary. Try the links below if you are struggling for books to read, there are other sites offering free books for children to read online.
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ (Register as a parent for free to use the elibrary)
In school we use www.charanga.com for our music lessons. They have even added amended units for Covid to avoid singing. The children have their own log-ins for this site for Charanga Yuma which caters for access from home. If you have lost your child's log-in please e-mail us. Click on the link below to access Charanga.
Alternatively, a part of our regular lessons includes listening to a piece of music and asking:
Do you like it or not? Why?
What instruments can you hear? (Don't forget that a voice is an instrument)
What style is the music? (rap, ballad, rock, gospel etc.)
Your child could choose a piece of music and write down their answers.
A Bucket Full of Beans
Our current mini mission is called a bucket full of beans! Children investigate where a variety of food comes from, making links to location, climate and biome. They consider “food miles” and the impact on the environment as they plot the journey of a cocoa bean from its country of origin to the UK. In geography children will develop their use of atlases and digital maps to look for physical and human features relating to global food production. In Design and Technology children will evaluate a range of smoothies before designing and making one of their own, including the packaging design. Linked to geographical knowledge of magnetic north, children will investigate magnets and magnetic force.