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Welcome to 6F!


Welcome to the last term of Primary School! During the last term, the children are busy visiting High School and preparing for transition.  Some of the children will spend time on a residential learning team building skills and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone.  Our topic this term is the End of Year performance, Grease.  The children will learn how to organise, prepare and deliver a performance.  Some of the children will spend time creating props, scenery and costumes, whilst others will have to learn lines, sing songs and act on stage.  We also have behind the scene roles which will manage the lighting and music to support the performance.  Children will also design, create and evaluate promotional posters, tickets, programmes and costumes.  We will also start a maths project (Rock Club) to investigate the role of Rock concert organisers.  The children will consider venue, catering, lighting, positioning of stage and cost including profit and loss scenarios.
