Mrs Collinson is our Headteacher.
Mrs Collinson loves to visit classrooms and see what pupils are learning.
Mrs Collinson is a Designated Safeguarding Lead and is Early Help trained.
She is the Designated Teacher for Children Looked After.
She is also the proud owner of our school dog, Molly.
Mrs Everitt is our Deputy Headteacher of School.
She also teaches in year 2. Her class is called 2CE.
She leads teaching and learning in KS1 and English at Racemeadow.
Mrs Everitt is also a Designated Safeguarding Lead and is Early Help trained.
Miss Bevan leads Lower KS2, Maths and Computing at Racemeadow.
She is Assistant SENDCo
Her class is called 4B.
She is part of our Senior Leadership Team.
Mrs Ward is part of the Senior Leadership Team.
She leads teaching and learning in KS2 and is Upper KS2 Phase Leader.
She is also an Outstanding Teacher Mentor.
Mrs Ward teaches in Year 6. Her class is called 6W.
Mr Yateen Bhoola- Deputy Director of Education for Cluster 3