It's a Wild, Wild World!
Our new mini mission is all about volcanoes and earthquakes, as well as other natural disasters. We shall be taking a tour around the world, locating places where these disasters regularly occur.
During this time children will get the opportunity to write a range of genres - narrative, report, fact file.
Y5 - Grammar - Spring 1
During this half term, we will be focusing on inverted commas, subject verb agreement, homophones, complex sentences - using ISAWAWABUB conjunctions.
Y5 - Guided Reading - Spring 1
We will be finishing the story Holes by Louis Sachar and then we will move on to a story called There's a boy in the girl's bathroom, which is also by Louis Sachar. This will give children the opportunity to be immersed in a famous author's writing style, while learning new and exciting stories.
Y5 Maths - Spring 1
We will be starting this half term, by looking at area and perimeter. After that, we will be having a big focus on fractions, decimals and percentages.
Children will find themselves much more confident with these concepts, if they regularly practise their times tables and the inverse.
Teacher: Miss Cockayne
LSA: Mrs Hewitt
Please don't hesitate to contact me at if you have any non-urgent enquiries.
For urgent communication, please contact the school office in the normal way.
Welcome back, Year 5!
It has been wonderful to see you all back at school - we were away for far too long!
On this page, you will find lots of useful information for the rest of this term. Most of you are already familiar with lots of the routines at Racemeadow, but there are a few changes to be aware of due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in the following Wednesday.
It will consist of a range of English, Maths and spelling activities and it is very important the children complete the tasks to the best of their ability. Spellings and times tables will be tested on a Friday.
Reading is vital to ensure the children reach their potential and they should be encouraged to read at home everyday but at least 3x per week. Please support your child by listening to them read, discussing what they have read and asking questions about characters and plot.
Reading diaries will be checked regularly and form a record of your child's reading development. Please ensure you sign the diary when you hear/ supervise your child read and again at the bottom of each weekly double-page spread.
PE is on a Tuesday afternoon. The children need only bring a pair of trainers for now as we will not be getting changed for PE until further notice. The lessons will consist of non-contact sports such as fitness and dance for the foreseeable future.
Assemblies to celebrate the children's achievements will be held in class this term and will continue to include Star of the Week, maths passports, reading and spelling awards. Unfortunately, we are not able to invite you to these celebrations at this time but the children will continue to bring their certificates home to share with you.
As last year, the children will be able to collect a gold stamp on a Friday to show that they have demonstrated impeccable behaviour and attitude to learning during that week. A full set of stamps for the half term means your child will be rewarded with a morning or afternoon of specially arranged activities which might include cooking, arts and crafts, movie and popcorn, outside games etc.
Our first mini-mission for this half-term is based around the David Wiesner book "Tuesday".
This beautiful picture book will stimulate our imaginations and provide inspiration for writing our own narratives to go with the images. We will also use it to explore grammatical structures and word classes as well as paragraphing and cohesion.
In addition, we will evaluate the images in the book and use water colours to create our own complimentary images.
Finally, our guided reading sessions will focus on "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare. The children will have the opportunity to explore the text in detail and it will form the basis of discussions about author's intent and impact on the reader as well as stimulating some drama.