Welcome to Year 4
It's so lovely to have you all back in school and ready to learn again!
Marvellous Me
If you no longer have the app on your phone or tablet, please reinstall it and ask for a joining code. This is the only way we can contact you with messages, news and updates. Please email or get in touch with the office to request a code and one will be sent home with your child. Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 4 Team
Miss Bevan - Class Teacher 4B - (email: emma.bevan@racemeadow.org)
Miss Sutton - Class Teacher 4S - (email:Sorrel.Sutton@racemeadow.org)
Mrs Smith and Mrs Powell - Year 4 Learning Support Assistants
Please use school emails to contact us about any non-urgent issues.
Anything more urgent can be passed to us via the main school office.
Key information
Friday is PE day
Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be handed in by the following Wednesday. Homework consists of Arithmetic, Grammar and a short reading activity. Homework should be completed in pencil or a black or blue pen. In addition to this, children are expected to have read at home 3 times each week and have this signed by an adult in their diary.
Weekly spellings are stuck in the spellings section at the front of your child's diary, new spellings are given out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday. Children can access and practice their spellings at home via Spelling Shed.
Year 4 MTC
The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies (including free schools) in England. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
The MTC It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Your child will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
Using the following website, children across KS2 practice this style of rapid recall of multiplication tables:
Times table Rockstars and Sumdog are also available for all children to use at home or at school. These apps help to track the progress children are making in their times tables.
Autumn 1 - Augustus and His Smile
This half term, using Augustus and his Smile as a stimulus, we will be developing our English skills by writing about Augustus' journey to find his smile. In Geography, we will learn more about mountains around the world, the location of tigers around the world and using clues from the text explore his journey around the world. In Art, we will be using print to replicate illustrations and Henri Rousseau’s work, in particular "Surprised! Tiger in a Tropical Storm."
We are Geographers
In this mini-mission we will revisit the location of the 7 continents and the 5 oceans of the world and points of the compass. We will look closely at the mountains of the world: their location, structure, uses and the impact humans have had on them.
We are Scientists
During this Mini-Mission, we will explore the different parts of the digestive system as well as looking at the different types of teeth and how these can be used to identify the diets of animals. We will explore food chains and food webs and use classification keys.