Here is where you will find all the information and work for your child to complete at home in the event that they cannot attend school for any reason.
If you have any queries please contact your class teacher/s via the emails below:
Miss Ward (2W)-
Mrs Everitt (2EW)-
Mrs Walker (2EW)-
Thank you
Most of our home learning work is set on Purple Mash or Sumdog. The children have been given their own log-on's for these websites. On both sites we can set 2Do's or tasks and we can see how the children complete their learning. We are then able to give feedback via Marvellous Me (our 'phone app) or e-mail. These sites can also be used for the children to catch up on any learning they may have missed previously or just for fun. If you are unsure of your child's log-in, check out their home school diary. Click on the links below to access the websites.
Every child has a guided reading book which is changed weekly. Children should read their book at least 3 times a week. In addition, some children have a Read, Write, Inc. book which should also be shared at home your child can read anything with text in at home too and it is always good for children to listen to adults read to them too. Below are some questions you could use to develop your child as a reader.
The children need to be able to read and write the following common exception words. Some are aimed at Year 1 because some of our children are still at this level and when they are confident using these, we would expect them to learn the Year 2 words. You could test your child on all of these and see which ones they need to learn.
We will set writing tasks for your child linked to our current mini mission. Your child will also benefit from practising their handwriting focusing on correct letter formation, letter sizing and spacing between words. To practise you could use 'hold a sentence' this is where you say a short sentence out loud such as Dave went on a boat and waved. Then they have to write it down remembering what you said, how to spell it (applying phonics), capital letters/full stops and handwriting.
In school we use the Read, Write, Inc. scheme to help us learn phonics (letter sounds). To help us learn the sounds we also learn a saying and a picture which is associated with the sound. Some sounds are "special friends" where there are 2 or 3 letters that make a new sound when they are together. (ay - may I play?) The children need to learn the following sounds and sayings.
The whole school work on different passport targets in year 2 we mainly have children on Asia 1/2 and Africa. The passports are aimed at improving mental maths skills and require quick recall of the following number facts these will be set as tasks to complete on SumDog.
Some of the areas we will cover are:
In school we use for our music lessons. They have even added amended units for Covid to avoid singing. The children have their own log-ins for this site for Charanga Yuma which caters for access from home. If you have lost your child's log-in please e-mail us. Click on the link below to access Charanga.
Alternatively, a part of our regular lessons includes listening to a piece of music and asking:
Do you like it or not? Why?
What instruments can you hear? (Don't forget that a voice is an instrument)
What style is the music? (rap, ballad, rock, gospel etc.)
Your child could choose a piece of music and write down their answers.