Key Stage 1
Construction Club
Science Club - Autumn 1 2022
This week we used the microscopes to learn how to focus them. We used slides of onion skin, feathers and even strands of hair under the microscope to see the finer details. It was like peering into another world!
Using construction kits, we used cogs to make moveable models. We managed to make a fan and even an egg whisk!
Our fingerprints are all unique. We investigated the similarities and differences using ink to take our fingerprints onto a record card. We printed one print onto a balloon and blew it up to see the detail more clearly. We found out that the three main types of marks are called hooks, arches and whorls. Some of us even managed to draw our fingerprints!
This week we made slime using bicarbonate of soda, PVA glue and contact lens solution. We investigated the ways in which it stretched and how far.
For our final week this half term we used the magnets to investigate magnetic and non-magnetic materials. We made tracks on paper and used paper clips on top and magnets underneath to pull the paper clip around the track. We put the tracks on different surfaces to see if the magnetic force would travel through them.
British Science Week 2022
British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths that takes place between 11-20 March 2022! In recognition of this, the children were challenged to create a science poster based upon the topic of 'Growth'. Here are some of our entries.
World Book Day 2022
As is our tradition on World Book Day, children and staff dressed up as book characters for the day, to celebrate our love of reading!
Key Stage 1 children paraded around the hall to show off our efforts and a winner from each class was chosen to receive a book prize! All other children received a `Well done` bag of Haribo
Saturday 27th November is Dicken's Night and every class at Racemeadow has created a piece of art for a competition. The artwork will be on display in Saint Mary's Church on Dicken's night so why not take a walk up to have a look with your child.
We can choose to challenge ourselves by designing & building our own projects, choosing challenge cards or following instructions to build lego kits.
This week we have built spooky lego characters and scenes
We watched some videos on how to build Halloween themed lego and also looked at some pictures for inspiration. We also used our ....
Super imagination!
Can you spot Dracula? Scary ghosts? A pumpkin?