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๐Ÿ˜ŠWelcome to Year 5!๐Ÿ˜Š


Year 5 Class teachers: 

5F - Mrs Fraser

5B - Mrs Ballinger 

LSA - Mrs Maling

LSA - Miss Franklin

You can contact us on 01287 713284 or by emailing:

Key information:


PE Days are Thursday for Year 5.


Homework will be given out on a Friday, marked in school with the children on the following Friday and new homework given. Homework should be handed in by Wednesday of each week please.


Spellings will be tested on a Friday and new spellings will be stuck in to the front of diaries to learn for the following week.


Please record reading at home a minimum of three times per week and sign your child's diary to acknowledge that this has taken place. Your child has a reading bingo card in the front of their diary. This is to encourage reading across a range of genres. When your child has read a book, comic or magazine from one of the bingo squares, please record this in the diary and it will be stamped when diaries are signed on a Friday. Once the children complete a line, they will receive a dip in the prize box from Mrs Collinson. When the whole card is completed they will receive a book of their choice from a selection.


Sharing assembly will take place at 2:45pm on a Friday in the Key Stage Two hall, you will be notified by Marvellous Me if your child will be receiving a certificate in sharing assembly. If you no longer have Marvellous Me installed, please contact school for a joining code as this is the main way for us to share messages, good news and reminders with you.


Your child should bring their water bottle, a healthy snack and their pencil case (if they have one) to school with them each day. The tuck shop is now open for children to purchase toast, crumpets, teacakes, milkshakes or juice during their breaktime each morning.

Autumn 1

๐ŸธTuesday ๐Ÿธ


 Our first mini mission for the Autumn half term is based on the book 'Tuesday by David Weisner. It is a picture book with amazing artwork. In this mini mission the children will use figurative language to write a narrative for the story. They will also use more formal language to create a crime report about the mysterious incident. In Science, the children will learn about friction, air resistance and water resistance linked to the story. They will carry out scientific investigations and write them using scientific language. Using geographical skills, maps and plans they will plan a route around Atherstone for the frogs, incorporating symbols and using grid references. To complete the mini mission, children will practise sketching, using perspective to create a watercolour of a scene from the story.

Autumn 2

Horrible Histories

In this mini-mission, the children will carry out a thematic study of crimes and their punishments from the Roman era up to the Early Modern era using the Horrible Histories series and the book Holes by Louis Sacher for research. Throughout their learning they will consider bias and opinion to create a balanced argument debating the issue of capital punishment (the death penalty).  They will investigate how crimes and punishments have changed over time and consider the possible causes for this.



In Design and Technology, the children will use their knowledge of crimes and punishments to create an interactive book using pop-ups, levers, wheels and flaps to make the content interactive and interesting. The children will work in groups to produce two pages in each group for their era that use a variety of interactive devices. They also have to illustrate and explain the crimes and punishments that they made. 

Spring 1 

It's a wild, wild world!


This mini mission is all about the extremes in our world - earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, climate zones and the effects that they have on the environment and people. During this mini mission we explained the processes involved in some of these natural disasters and used atlases and digital mapping to find out about tectonic plates, earthquakes and volcanoes and where in the world they are mostly found.


Click on this link to find out where in the world the latest seismic activity is occurring.




We started our spring topic by making volcanic eruptions!  

