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Information for parents

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The principles that guide the work in the EYFS are grouped into 4 themes:

  • A unique child
  • Positive relationships
  • Enabling Environments
  • Learning and Development

The EYFS Curriculum consists of the seven areas of Learning and Development; three prime and four specific areas.
Prime Areas:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas:

  • Mathematics
  • Literacy
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design


We teach a wide range of foundation subjects across the EYFS. Science investigations and curiosity is developed through our ‘Understanding the World’ themes. Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development, including studying British Values is incorporated into circle times alongside both ‘Understanding the World’ and ‘PSED’. We learn about different cultures and places in the world many times throughout the year including Chinese New Year, Christmas, Diwali and Eid celebrations. We find our families country of origin on Google Maps and love working out where we live on Google Earth! We have a wide range of variety of resources in our classroom which are sourced from many cultural backgrounds. This enhances the children’s understanding of where objects and patterns come from, especially tailored to our current cohort of children.

We use our children’s interests and curiosities to develop our topics every year. Each year, several topics will be similar (Christmas, People Who Help Us, minibeasts, Diwali etc.) and others will be completely based on what the children would like to learn about…keeping us on our toes! This ensures the curriculum here at Racemeadow is broad, diverse, balanced and stimulating for the children in our care.

What to expect, when? Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.

Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage. This new non-statutory guidance material supports staff in implementing the statutory requirements of the EYFS.


Oral health

Oral health is an important part of every child’s wellbeing. It impacts on the ability for children to eat and sleep, to socialise with confidence and to concentrate at school. However, many children experience problems with their oral health. At school we promote the ‘good oral health of children’ through our curriculum. We regularly promote and discus healthy living and eating including how to care for our teeth. Remember to visit the dentist regularly with your child. Take a look at this video about how to care for the teeth of a child aged 3-6

50 things to do before you're 11 ¾Head outdoors to complete our 50 awesome outdoor adventures.
