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Welcome to 1D!


Class Teacher- Miss de Barr

Class Learning Support Assistant- Miss Jones

Please talk to me at the door, email me-, or use the school office to contact us about any issues.


Key information:

  • Diaries and reading books should be in school every day.
  • Water bottles need to be in school every day, and we will send them home everyday to be washed and refilled.
  • We provide fruit at break time, but feel free to give your child a healthy snack (Fruit, cereal bar etc.)
  • Our PE day is Thursday- children will need to come to school in their PE kit. Please ensure your child’s earrings are removed on PE days.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. Homework consists of a maths activity and a writing activity. In addition to this, children are expected to read at home 3 times each week and have this signed by an adult in their diary.


Autumn 1- Lost and Found

Our first mini mission is called Lost and Found and is inspired by the story written by Oliver Jeffers.

In English, we will be further developing our handwriting and phonics by writing different noun phrases and sentences. We will find out what nouns and adjectives are, so we can create a missing poster for a cheeky penguin who has gone missing around our school. We will also be going on an adventure to the Arctic and writing a postcard to our friends and family.

In maths, we are focusing on understanding place value for numbers to 10. This includes practicing counting forwards and backwards, finding one more and one less of a number, comparing numbers to see if they are greater than, less than and equal to each other. We also have a closer look at the number line.

In science, we are learning about our 5 senses- sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. We also consider what it’s like to lose some of these senses, conducting different tests to find out what it is like. Then we look at different inventors who have helped deaf and blind people including Louis Braille. We will create our own braille and hearing trumpets.

In Geography, we will be learning the different continents and oceans around the world. We will learn different songs, including the Hopscotch continents song and the oceans song too. We will go on an adventure sailing across the oceans too.

In art, we are creating an arctic collage. We will be exploring different painting techniques including scraping, rolling, splashing, and using a marble technique. We will be collaging an iceberg too with different materials to make it look supper realistic. Another skill we will be developing is drawing, as we will need to draw and paint a penguin to live on our arctic scene.


Autumn 2- The Queen’s Hat

Our second mini mission is called the Queen’s Hat and is inspired by the story written by Steve Antony.

In English, we will be retelling the story of The Queen’s Hat, but with a twist. The hat will be flying around the sights of Atherstone. We will plan our story and write it using the past tense -ed suffix.

In maths, we are focusing on addition and subtraction for numbers within 10. This includes using part-whole models, writing number sentences, learning and reciting our number bonds to 10. We are introduced to the addition and subtraction symbols, learning different techniques to add and subtract so we can find a whole, find a part and learn all about fact families.

In science, we will be having a closer look at seasonal changes, observing changes from Autumn to Winter, and looking at common features of the different seasons.

In History, we will be exploring significant people from the past. We will be comparing Queen Elizabeth 1 and Queen Elizabeth 11.

In Design and Technology, we have received a very important invite from King Charles to design and make a sandwich fit for his royal banquet. We will need to choose what type of bread and filling we want, and how to serve it.
