8:50 – 9:00 |
9:00-9:30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10:30 – 10.45 |
10.45 11:00 |
11.00-11:30 |
11:30-12:30 |
12:30-1.30 |
1:30-2:55 |
2:55-3:10 |
Monday |
Intro (Video) |
Reading |
English Grammar/Writing task |
Spelling |
Break |
Maths Games – Practise multiplication facts |
Maths |
Lunch |
*Wider Curriculum |
Story Time |
Tuesday |
Intro (Video) |
Reading |
English Grammar/Writing task |
Spelling |
Break |
Maths Games – Practise multiplication facts |
Maths |
Lunch |
*Wider Curriculum |
Story Time |
Wednesday |
Intro (Video) |
Reading |
English Grammar/Writing task |
Spelling |
Break |
Maths Games – Practise multiplication facts |
Maths |
Lunch |
*Wider Curriculum |
Story Time |
Thursday |
Intro (Video) |
Reading |
English Grammar/Writing task |
Spelling |
Break |
Maths Games – Practise multiplication facts |
Maths |
Lunch |
*Wider Curriculum |
Story Time |
Friday |
Intro (Video) |
Reading |
English Grammar/Writing task |
Spelling |
Break |
Maths Games – Practise multiplication facts |
Maths |
Lunch |
*Wider Curriculum |
Story Time |
*Wider Curriculum includes: Science, History, Geography, DT, PE, French, RE, Music, PSHE, Art
Hi everyone,
Our new topic for this half term is called Marvellous Mayans.
Monday 22nd February: HISTORY/ WRITING
Please use the link below to find out more about this ancient civilisation. There are lots of learning clips and class videos for you watch. Start by finding out what the Mayans ate, then scroll to the bottom of the page for videos about Mayan jobs, fashion, inventions and houses. What else would you like to find out about?
Maths Top Tips - w/c Monday 22nd February
Our next unit of work is all about Position and Direction - it is all about how to describe where something is on a grid. We describe the position of something using
CO-ORDINATES. In order to read or write co-ordinates you first need to read along the scale along the bottom of the grid - this is called the horizontal or X axis. This number or letter is written first. THEN, you need to read the number or letter along the side of the grid - this is called the vertical or Y axis. This number or letter is written second.
Co-ordinates are written inside a set of brackets and are separated by a comma.
So, if a point was located 5 squares along and 2 squares up on a grid, we would write it as (5,2).
Watch the video for this morning and then try your worksheets. I will put the answers on here and on Purple Mash tomorrow so you can see how you have done each day. Good luck!!!
Important - Government guidance now states that children need to access 4 hours of home learning a day. To help accommodate this, there will be challenges and competitions set on Sumdog for maths and spellings. Please check the website daily and complete any activities set along with the work being set on Purple mash.
Thank you for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated. Best wishes, the Year 5 team.
Monday |
Reading – Chapters _________ Define 3 unfamiliar words
Daily Spellings & apply into complex sentences |
Math Frame X tables
White Rose differentiated task |
Mini Mission PPT – read and make notes |
Tuesday |
Reading activity
Daily spellings
Grammar based task |
Math Frame X tables
White Rose differentiated task |
Mini Mission Create fact file/poster/leaflet re yesterday’s PPT |
Wednesday |
Reading – Chapters _________ Define 3 unfamiliar words
Daily spellings
Grammar based task |
Math Frame X tables
White Rose differentiated task |
Mini Mission Plan B activity |
Thursday |
Reading activity
Daily spellings
Grammar based task |
Math Frame X tables
White Rose differentiated task |
Mini Mission Additional activity based on mini mission |
Friday |
PiXL Comprehension
Daily spellings
SPaG paper |
Math Frame X tables
Arithmetic paper |
Mini Mission Ongoing DT project |
It's a Wild, Wild World!
Our new mini mission is all about volcanoes and earthquakes, as well as other natural disasters. We shall be taking a tour around the world, locating places where these disasters regularly occur.
During this time children will get the opportunity to write a range of genres - narrative, report, fact file.
Y5 - Grammar - Spring 1
During this half term, we will be focusing on inverted commas, subject verb agreement, homophones, complex sentences - using ISAWAWABUB conjunctions.
Y5 - Guided Reading - Spring 1
We will be finishing the story Holes by Louis Sachar and then we will move on to a story called There's a boy in the girl's bathroom, which is also by Louis Sachar. This will give children the opportunity to be immersed in a famous author's writing style, while learning new and exciting stories.
Y5 Maths - Spring 1
We will be starting this half term, by looking at area and perimeter. After that, we will be having a big focus on fractions, decimals and percentages.
Children will find themselves much more confident with these concepts, if they regularly practise their times tables and the inverse
Welcome to Year 5 home learning page
Here you will find the work for your child to complete in the event that they can not attend school for any reason.
If you have any queries please contact your class teacher/s via the emails below:
5C- Miss Cockayne - kaylie.cockayne@racemeadow.org
5W- Mrs Ward - hayley.ward@racemeadow.org
Purple Mash
Please find the link to purple mash. Task and activities linked to our current learning will be set via this platform.
Use the sites below to practise quick recall of number facts and timestables.
Below you will find the compulsory word bank for year 5 and 6. Additionally there are handwriting packs to practise both spelling and correct letter formation.
In school we use www.charanga.com for our music lessons. They have even added amended units for Covid to avoid singing. The children have their own log-ins for this site for Charanga Yuma which caters for access from home. If you have lost your child's log-in please e-mail us. Click on the link below to access Charanga.
Alternatively, a part of our regular lessons includes listening to a piece of music and asking:
Do you like it or not? Why?
What instruments can you hear? (Don't forget that a voice is an instrument)
What style is the music? (rap, ballad, rock, gospel etc.)
Your child could choose a piece of music and write down their answers.