Welcome to Year 3
It's so lovely to have you all back in school and ready to learn again!
Marvellous Me
If you no longer have the app on your phone or tablet, please reinstall it and ask for a joining code. This is the only way we can contact you with messages, news and updates. Please email or get in touch with the office to request a code and one will be sent home with your child. Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 3 Team
Mrs Sanders - Class Teacher 3S - (email:sarah.sanders@racemeadow.org )
Mrs Walker - Class Teacher 3W - (email: victoria.walker@racemeadow.org)
Mrs Laight and Mrs Mellors - Year 3 Learning Support Assistants
Please use school emails to contact us about any non-urgent issues.
Anything more urgent can be passed to us via the main school office.
Key information
Thursday is PE day
Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be handed in by the following Wednesday. Homework consists of Arithmetic, Grammar and a short reading activity. Homework should be completed in pencil or a black or blue pen. In addition to this, children are expected to have read at home 3 times each week and have this signed by an adult in their diary.
Weekly spellings are stuck in the spellings section at the front of your child's diary, new spellings are given out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday.
Autumn 1 Mini-Mission Charlie Small Gorilla City
One morning, Year 3 arrived at school to find that there were vines and creepers in the classroom! There were parrots, a frog and a monkey too! Then a letter arrived from someone called Charlie's mum asking for help to find her lost son, Charlie! After that, a cut up picture arrived with a note asking which ocean someone had sailed over! Things were getting curious...the map was a map of the world which we used to find out where Charlie could have gone. Wherever could he be? Mrs Collinson gave us a book to read all about Charlie Small, we discovered that he had been struck by lightning while sailing his raft down the stream at the bottom of his garden. We can't wait to find out more!
Throughout this mini mission in English, we have learned how to write a detailed description of the rainforest using effective adjectives, verbs, adverbs and sentence openers. We also wrote an exciting adventure story set in the rainforest.
We are Geographers!
In Geography, we learned the location of the 7 continents and the 5 oceans of the world and we looked closely at the rainforest biome, its layers and its importance. We also looked at deforestation and the impacts on the environment.
We are Scientists!
Before starting our new Science topic on Plants, we discussed what we already knew from our previous learning. We then discussed scientific questions we would like to find the answers to during this sequence of lessons. Next, we dissected flowering plants and identified the flowers, leaves, roots and stems. We also investigated all parts of the plants more closely with our magnifying glasses.
We are Artists!
In this mini-mission, we explored the work of the famous artists William Morris. We carried out an artist study and evaluated some of his work. Using natural materials, we created our own repeated pattern print using his work as inspiration.